Duck for Farmer


TOPIC: Qualities of leadership and election processes.

FOCUS QUESTION: Review of writing questions and good leadership characteristics. Introduction to election processes.

MATERIALS: List of chores, 3 blank pieces of paper, 3 clipboards, 3 markers, cell phone, tie, shawl & nametag (for Teacher in Role).


Activity Two: Guided Imagery

"It’s early in the morning in the morning, the rooster has just crowed, waking you up from your deep sleep. You hear the other animals starting to move in their hay beds. You slowly stretch our your hoofs and yawn. The pigs always wake up first. If you feel a gentle tap on your shoulder then you are a pig. Your pig stomach is grumbling loud because you can hear one of the farm helpers pouring breakfast into the troughs. The sheep wake up next, and you know you are a sheep if you feel a gentle tap on your shoulder now. You sheep scratch all that itchy fur and wonder when it will be shearing time. It’s getting hotter, so it must be soon. And, finally the cows wake up. You know you are a cow if you feel a gentle tap on your shoulder. You cows chomp your teeth, you are also hungry and can’t wait to get out to the grasys fields. But now it is time to get up, today is a big day. Duck is coming to visit the barn, because he is running for Farmer. You and all the other animals are going to brainstorm questions to ask Duck when he comes." 

Activity Three: Students in role preparing for and at a barn meeting.

TIR: "Good morning farm animals. Let me see those bright eyes. I know that it is early, but we’ve got a big day. I’ve meet many of you before, but just in case you are new, I am Ms. Sarah and I work for the Farm Election Board. Introduce yourself to each group of animals, calling them by name, asking them to make their best pig/sheep/cow sounds and “hoof bumping” each. The Farm Election Board sent me over to help organize Duck’s visit. As you know Duck is running for Farmer and he’ll be coming by today to answer all the questions you might have. The Farm Election Board thought I should come and just make sure you have some questions ready to find out if he is going to be a good leader, a good head farmer. I know that you have been talking to your fellow farm animals about what makes someone a good leader. And, that you all have been thinking about what you need on the farm to be happy and to get all your chores done. And I see that you have a list of the farm animal chores is right over there on the barn wall. I am hear to help you all come up with some questions. Should we get started? Why don’t you tell me the questions you have and I’ll write them down. What would you like to know about Duck?" Facilitate 2 – 4 questions about good leaders.

"Do you all think this is a good list of questions? I sure do. If I were voting for Farmer these are all things I would want to know. I know the Farm Election Board also wanted specific questions from each of the different types of farm animals, so why don’t we break into our pig, sheep and cow groups and come up with some questions each group might have. For example, at the apple farm down the road the horses asked if the Duck would provide them with ladders because, you know, it is their job to pick the apples and they have a hard time climbing the trees. So, I’ll let you write your questions and I’ll come around if you need any help. It is also ok if you want to draw a picture of your question." Students write out 1 - 2 specific questions.

"Well, I think we all have some great questions and (look at watch) Duck is scheduled to arrive very soon. Why don’t we share our questions with the rest of the farm animals before he arrives?" Students share questions. "Oh, I just got a text that Duck is here. Let me go make sure he can find his way to the barn. You all sit tight and practice your questions. TIR transitions into tie and re-enters as Duck.

Duck: "Good morning/afternoon farm animals. I am so thrilled to be here today." Shake hands with all of the farm animals. "I have been looking forward to talking with you all. I know I’ll be a great Farmer and I am here to prove that to all of you. Now, how about some questions." Take questions from the audience. Answer some positively and some negatively. "Oh, dear. Look at the time. I really must be going. Campaigning for Farmer is a lot of work and right now I have a meeting with the horses at the next farm down. It was wonderful to talk to you all and I hope you vote Duck for Farmer." 

Shake hands and exit. TIR transitions back into Ms. Sarah.


"Well, I think that went really well. You all had some great questions. I’m really glad that Duck was able to come by today because tomorrow is Election Day. I know you are all getting very sleepy because it’s been a long day, and you still have to do your chores. It’s okay, go ahead and close your eyes and settle into your hay for a quick nap. I’ll be back tomorrow morning, right after the rooster crows to help you vote for Farmer." Take off shawl/nametag and ask student to open their eyes and come together in a circle.


Describe: What did we do today? Who did you become? As farm animals, what did you talk about?

Analyze: How did you feel about the answers Duck gave to your questions? Did you like or dislike any of the answers? Why? Was it easy or hard being a farm animal? Why?

Relate: We’ve been studying what makes a good leader, how did we use that knowledge today? We’ve also been studying questions, how did we use that knowledge today? Tomorrow is Election Day on the farm. What do you know about elections? What (might) happens on Election Day?

EVALUATE: Did the students seem to enjoy being in role? Were the students able to come in and out of role? Were they able to come up with questions that pertained to the characteristics of a good leader? Were they able to formulate good questions?