Health: Fitness Goals

Teaching Strategies

Created by: Natalie Reed at Lamar Middle School and Lara Dossett

Subject/Topic: Fitness Goals

Focus Question/s: What are goals? How can short-term and long-term goals help you keep up with your exercise program? What does the acronym SMART stand for? Why are goals important?


Functional Fitness: 2. The student applies movement concepts and principles to the learning and development of motor skills: 2b. make appropriate changes in performance based on feedback to improve skills. 4. The student knows the benefits from involvement in daily physical activity and factors that affect physical performance: 4a. describe selected long-term benefits of regular physical activity; 4e. identify each health related fitness component and describe how participating in cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility actions impact personal fitness. 7. The student develops positive self-management and social skills needed to work independently and with others in physical activity settings: 7e. accept successes and performance limitations of self and others, exhibit appropriate behavior responses, and recognize that improvement is possible with appropriate practice.

Theatre: 1. Perception. The student develops concepts about self, human relationships, and the environment, using elements of drama and conventions of theatre. The student is expected to: 1c. create expressive movement and pantomime to define space and characters; 1d. express thoughts and feelings, using effective voice and diction; 2. Creative expression/performance. The student interprets characters, using the voice and body expressively, and creates dramatizations. The student is expected to: 2a. demonstrate safe use of the voice and body; Materials Needed: big paper, marker, paper for fitness goals


Poster Dialogue

Put up big paper and brainstorm as a class two lists: things we want to do to be fit or get motivated to be fit, and what are some things that keep us from those goals.

Give each student a marker and ask them to silently brainstorm ideas for both prompts. When they are done, gather around the posters and call out what is written in each poster. Note emerging themes and repeats as big ideas.


Real and Ideal Images

Break the class up into groups. Ask each group to create a frozen image of things that keep us from reaching our fintess goals. These images are considered the REAL images. What else are you doing besides being fit? How do you spend your time? Next ask them to create the IDEAL image of how they could work towards their fitness goals. What does/could it look like?

Each groups shares their real and ideal images for the class. Discuss.

D: What do we see?

A: What do we think might be happening here? Where are they? Why?

R: How do you think we can help ourselves reach the ideal picture we created? What are some strategies?


Create individual SMART fitness goals


What are you thinking about your fitness plan after our class today? How do you feel about it? What are some strategies you can think of to help get you to those IDEAL images?