Interview Role-Play for Test Prep or Review

Teaching Strategies
School or Organization

TOPIC: Test Prep/Review


GRADE LEVEL: 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade 

This lesson was created for a generic test prep to be used with any subject or grade level. The lesson was first taught in a mathematics classroom with fifth grade students, but any content can be inserted. For older students narrative pantomime may be omitted. 



  • What can I do to be successful before, during, and after testing? 
  • How to I conduct an interview to get answers from someone else? 



  • Clipboards (enough for half of the class)
  • Loose Leaf Notebook Paper (one piece for each student)
  • Pencils (one for each student) 



Explain to the students that today as a review to prepare for the state standardized test we will be doing some interviews with our classmates. The interviews will be used to write an article about how students can prepare and be successful on the test.


As a class brainstorm questions that the interviewers could ask a students preparing to take the state standardized test. Write the questions on the board, discuss what the question means with the students, and address any key words or vocabulary in the question that may need defined. Have students generate at least eight to ten questions.


Students should write down their interview questions on a piece of paper. The students should be instructed to leave space between the questions so that they can write their interviewee’s responses. Students can use the questions on the board or create their own questions. They should be reminded that the will have to read and share the interview questions with their partner, so neat handwriting is important. 


Transition: "Now that we have created our interview questions we can begin to think about getting ready for an interview and what we should do at an interview." 




Discuss what you should wear, what to say, and how to behave at an interview. Allow students to share their ideas about how to act professionally. Model a mock interview with another teacher or coach two students through a mock interview. During the mock interview model/practice shaking hands, sharing names, making eye contact, conducting an interview, and how to close an interview. Allow the students to name the positive things they saw done in the modeling that they can do during their own role-play.


As a whole class brainstorm what professional dress for an interview would look like. Discuss when else students have had to dress up in their own lives and where students may see others in professional dress around their community. Narrative pantomime getting dressed for an interview.




Students conduct the interview in pairs. The student with the clipboard is the interviewer the other student is being interviewed. The interviewer will ask the other student the questions they created and record the answers. The interviewee will play himself or herself during the role-play. Students practice interview behaviors such as shaking hands, using manners, recording responses, and speaking/communicating with another individual. Spotlight a few student pairs (see directions below). If the interview is done before the time is up the interviewer can come up with another question. At the end of the interview the interviewer should close their time together by thanking the interviewee for coming. The interviewer should de-role and return the clipboard to the teacher.


Take time to unpack what you saw the student pairs do that was successful. Give the students any feedback needed. Allow students to switch roles, pass out clipboards, and repeat the interview process.


Spotlight Student Pairs: Spotlighting allows a teacher to highlight a group during simultaneous group word. As you walk around and monitor/assist groups you may find a group that is very creative in their approach, is doing great work you feel should be shared out, or would like to give a specific student positive praise. Approach the student group, tell them that you like what they are doing, and would like them to share their role-play with the larger group. Gather the class’ attention through a convention that you use in daily classroom management like flicking the lights, clapping, or a silent signal. After listening in for about thirty seconds you can signal for the groups to all continue.


Transition: "Thanks for participating in narrative pantomime and role-playing during the interviews today. We are going to take some time to discuss what we just did as a whole group." 





  • What we did in today’s lesson physically, mentally, and verbally?



  • How do you think recording the information will help you when you write your report?
  • What was successful or challenging?
  • Was this a useful way to prepare for the test and why?
  • Did anything surprise you about the interview?



  • When might you have to where business attire?
  • When might you be interviewed/interview another person?
  • How will today’s lesson help you on the STARR test? 

Students work together in pairs to create a news article based on the interviews they conducted. News articles can be shared with other classes or schools. Teacher can use these in the future for "advice from a past student".