Featured Teaching Strategies
Explore and review related vocabulary in this fast-paced ensemble activity.
Featured Facilitation Plans
Deepen students' understanding of biomes and their importance to the ecosystem.

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Drama-based Pedagogy examines the mutually beneficial relationship between drama and education, championing the versatility of drama-based teaching and learning designed in conjunction with classroom curricula.

This website for the Drama for Schools program is designed to be your guide for integrating drama into your curriculum. It is meant to serve as a practical resource as you begin designing your own drama-based lessons. We hope this website and our professional development trainings will make you as excited as we are about bringing your curriculum alive using drama!
About Drama for Schools
As an initiative of the Department of Theatre and Dance at the University of Texas in Austin, Drama for Schools is part of a long and distinguished history of the University’s commitment to public schools. In addition to preparing many of the state’s theatre arts teachers, the Department regularly partners with public schools throughout the state of Texas to examine how the arts can help motivate the process of learning. Through on-going dialogues with our K-12 collaborators, we are striving to create exciting professional development workshops for educators. Working with communities to shape our training curriculum to meet their specific needs, in an effort to support the educational missions of both the University and our school partners.