TOPIC: Science in Spanish
GRADE LEVEL: 2nd Grade
CREATED BY: Cassidy Nevilas-Rogala, Erin Magrath, and Moriah Flagler
FOCUS QUESTION(S): Why is water important? – Por qué el agua es importante?
§112.13. Science, Grade 2
- (C) identify and demonstrate how to use, conserve, and dispose of natural resources and materials such as conserving water and reuse or recycling of paper, plastic, and metal.
§128.13. Spanish Language Arts and Reading, Grade 2
(b) Knowledge and skills
- (17) (A) plan a first draft by generating ideas for writing (e.g., drawing, sharing ideas, listing key ideas);
- (28) (A) listen attentively to speakers and ask relevant questions to clarify information; and
- (B) follow, restate, and give oral instructions that involve a short related sequence of actions.
§117.108. Art, Grade 2
(b) Knowledge and skills
- (2) (A) express ideas and feelings in personal artworks using a variety of lines, shapes, colors, textures, forms, and space;
- dead leaves
- empty water bottle
- pot of dried dirt
- markers
- paper for drawing and writing sentences
1. ENGAGE ACTIVITY - Artifact - Empty Water Bottle, Dry Dirt, Dead Leaves (Show items in this order)
The teacher has a box with tape on it. Ask the students: what do you think might be in this box? Shake it a little. Ask the students: who would like to take off the tape? Pull out the water bottle. Pass it around. Ask, what do you notice about the object? What do you see? What do you hear? What makes you say that? Then, do the same with the dry soil and then the dead leaves.
Describa que ves en el centro del círculo. (Describe what you see in the center of the circle). Levanta la mano y dime una cosa qué notaste sobre el objeto. (Raise your hand and tell me something you notice about the object). Estudiantes dicen lo que ven utilizando vocabulario descriptiva en español o inglés. (Students say what they see, using descriptive vocabulary in English or Spanish).
Los estudiantes puedan pasar el objeto para conectar más con ello. (Students can pass the object around the circle to connect with it more).
Finalmente, la maestra les va a preguntar, ¨Qué piensa que pasó a esa plantita que muriera. (Finally, the teacher will ask…)
- What do you think happened?
- Why do you think the plant died?
- What do they all have in common?
- How are we connected to these objects?
- Por qué nos importa si tenemos agua? (Why is it important that we have water?)
Transition: Now we’re going to explore how we use water!
2. ACTIVITY 1 – Come on Over
Come on Over is a strategy in which the facilitator stands in one are of the room and says, "Come on over if......" If that statement is true for the participants, they move over to where the facilitator is standing. Then, the facilitator moves to a different part of the room and says "Come on over if...." with a different ending. Again, the participants move if it is true for them. If it isn't, they don't move. People are scattered about the space at any given moment of this strategy. After the group understands the game, a participant can volunteer to say the come on over statement and people will move towards them.
Explain that when I say venga aqui si….. if it’s true for you, come join me. As you come over, you’re going to move the way you would move if you were doing the activity we say. So, if we say swimming - come on over by swimming. Por ejemplo….
Venga aquí te gusta nadar. Venga aquí si te gusta hacer kayak. Venga aquí si te gusta lavar los dientes. Venga aquí si te gusta pescar. Venga aquí se te gusta tomar agua. (Come on over if you like to swim. Come on over if you like to kayak. Come on over if you like to brush your teeth. Come on over if you like to fish. Come on over if you like to drink water.)
Hay otras cosas que ustedes les gusta hacer con agua? (Are there other things you all like to do with water?) Students have the opportunity to say sentences in Spanish to have the group “come on over.”
Transition: Great! Stay standing because now we’re going to do another activity where we are moving around the room.
3. ACTIVITY 2 - Cover the Space/Frozen Picture
Vamos a caminar por el espacio. We’re going to walk around in our own spaces with our hands to ourselves. Cuando digo conjelese… (freeze) you will freeze. Practicamos…. Camine…… conjelese. Bien!!! Ok, this time… while we walk, think of a way that you use water… When I say conjelese, you’re going to freeze and make a frozen statue of a way you use water. Have students freeze in a picture to represent how they use water. Muy bien. Vamos a hacerlo otra vez para practicar. You can repeat this a few times - covering the space and then making a frozen image of how the student uses water. They can choose their favorite to share with the rest of the group.
Let's meet in a sitting circle.
Ask for a few volunteers to enter the circle and to form their frozen images. The observers who are sitting in the circle take turns saying what they see. __Insert name____ está nadando...(for example). If the class needs to hear the sentence before they can say it in Spanish, the teacher can say it and then the class can repeat. After the person says the sentence, everyone in the circle repeats it together and acts it out (brining the frozen image to life).
Transition: Ok, now we’re going to draw picture of the different ways we enjoy or use water in our lives.
4. ACTIVITY 3 – Graffiti
One by one, the students raise their hands and say what they are going to draw. They may select an image to draw from one they embodied or one they saw a classmate embody. They may even choose to draw another idea they think of relating to how we use or enjoy water that was not explored by the group. Remind the class that our goal is to be able to hang up as many different pictures as we can so we're each going to choose a different image to draw.
Write “estoy __________” on the board. This is the sentence starter for their pictures.
Hand out the drawing materials and the papers to draw/write on. The teacher moves around the room and side-coaches the students in their drawing and writing. The teacher is checking for understanding and asking if they need help remembering the Spanish. The teacher can write the sentence on a post-it if the student needs help. The pictures will be hung up on display.
5. REFLECTING ON THE LESSON - Ask each pair these questions. The last question is based on their pictures and they can use those sentences they wrote to help them say it in Spanish.
- What did we do?
- How did it feel to use speak in Spanish while moving our bodies?
- How did using our bodies help us understand?
- How do you use water? Como usamos el agua?
This is a two part lesson, so please see part two for extensions.