Little Red Riding Hood Story Comprehension

Teaching Strategies

Focus Questions: Who are the characters in the story? What is the sequence of the story?

Goals: Students will identify the characters in the story. 

Students will identify how characters are feeling at various points in the story.

Students will be able to identify the beginning/middle/end of the story.


Storytelling: Teacher tells the story of Little Red Riding Hood Once upon a time in a village in the country a little girl was sent by her mother to take cakes and breads to her grandmother who was sick in bed. The little girl pulled on her red hooded cape, picked up her basket and waved goodbye to her mother who reminded her, “to go straight to grandmother’s house and make sure not to talk to any strangers along the way.” Little red riding hood set off with her basket of breads and cakes skipping through the woods. Along the way she stopped to pick some beautiful flowers for her grandmother, as she was picking flowers a wolf approached her asking who she was picking flowers for. Little red told the wolf they were for her grandmother and quickly said she need to be on her way to her grandmother’s house. Little Red Riding Hood started back down the path. The wolf ran quickly to grandmother’s house putting on grandmother’s nightgown and her bonnet before hiding in her bed. When Little Red Riding Hood arrived at grandmother’s house she opened the door and walked over to grandmother’s bed. Looking at her grandmother in bed Little Red commented, “What big eyes you have.” The better to see you with.” “What big arms you have.” “The better to hug you with.” “What big ears you have.” “the better to hear you with” and “What big teeth you have…” “The better to EAT you with!” The wolf cried jumping out of bed revealing he wasn’t grandmother. Little Red Riding Hood screamed, a woodcutter working in the forest heard the screams and came running. He arrived just in time to rescue Little Red from the Wolf then helped her to rescue Granny as well. As Little Red Riding Hood and Grandmother hugged, they waved goodbye to the woodcutter sending him with the baskets of breads and cakes to thank him for his help.

Transition: Now that we all know the story of Little Red Riding Hood I’d like to play a game with the story. For this game I need everyone to stand up and find a space in the room where their body is not touching anyone else’s body.


Stop and Go

Procedure: Teacher reviews the concept of freeze (stop) and instructs participants to walk around the room normally without touching anyone else when they say ‘GO’ and then instructs them to freeze when they say ‘STOP’. For ‘STOP’ teacher begins having students freeze according to the prompts below. Then teacher uses ‘GO’ to have participants walk in neutral between ‘STOP’s. ‘STOP’s Mother Little Red Wolf Woodcutter. Prompts: What was Little Red doing at the beginning of the story? Who did Little Red meet in the forest the middle of the story? What does Granny do at the end of the story?

Reflect: How did Little Red feel at the beginning of the story? When she met the wolf in the woods? When she saw the wolf in Grandmother’s bed? At the end hugging Grandmother and waving to the woodcutter?

Transition: It’s great we all understand how Little Red was feeling because now we are going to work together to act out a few pieces of this story. I am going to put you into pairs,some of you will be ones and some will be A's.

Tableaux Procedure: Have 1s and As turn to each other. We are going to make some tableaux. A Tableaux is a frozen picture of a piece of the story. For our first tableaux whoever is a 1 will be Little Red Riding Hood and A will be mother. When I count down from 5 show me a Tableaux or frozen picture of Little Red and Mother at the beginning of the story. Repeat with: 1-Wolf A-Little Red meeting in the forest 1-Little Red A-Wolf when they meet at Grandmother’s house 1-Woodcutter A-Little Red at the end of the story (If students are ready/able you can allow them time to speak to each other as their characters might)

Transition: These were excellent Tableaux. I liked seeing how we used our bodies and facing to show what our characters were doing and feeling at different parts of the story. Now I have a challenge for you. When I say go I would like you to go back to your tables, on your tables there are pictures from our story.

Ordering Book Pages Procedure: Four pictures are on each tribe table. Teacher announces that, “I want to see if within the next 2 minutes your table can work together to number these pictures from 1-4 to show what order the pictures would go in during our story. You can head back to your tables when I say go. GO.” Students work in groups to write the numbers 1-4 on the pictures to order the story. When time is up/groups look finished teacher moves to reflectioni to check comprehension.


Reflecting on the lesson (Final Reflection for Students):

  • Can you hold up your pictures to show me: What happened at the beginning of Little Red Riding Hood? In the middle? At the end?
  • What is one thing you remember from today’s class?
  • Hold up your fingers to show me on a scale of 1-5 how we think we did in respecting ourselves, our space and our work today. 1 means we have a lot of things to work on and 5 means we did excellent and almost never needed a reminder to be respectful.

Use this to set-up how we can improve behavior for next-time(if needed), thank class for good work.