Instant Replay




All players stand in a circle facing each other. One starts by moving a few steps into the center and announcing his or her name while performing a movement or gesture. For instance, a player might skip a few steps into the center and perform a grand sweeping wave of her hand, proclaiming to all, “Sandy!!!” and then skip back to her place in the circle. That’s the signal for everyone else to do exactly the same thing she did in if an “instant replay” of Sandy’s mini- performance. Proceed around the circle until everyone has a turn to perform and view their Instant Replay.


Describe: What did you learn about different people in the group? Where there any similar gestures we remember?

Analyze: How well did we provide accurate Instant Replays for each other?

Relate: What does it take to make an activity like this work in our group?

Possible Side-Coaching

“Choose motions that everyone will be able to repeat.” “Try to copy the movements as precisely as you can!”

Source Citations

Fluegelman, Andrew. More new games!—and playful ideas from the New Games Foundation. New York: Dolphin Books, 1981. Print.