Everyone stands in a circle facing each other. There are three components to the game:
1. The basic move throughout the game two pats on the legs followed by two claps, done to the word “Koonja,” as follows:
Koon (leg pat 1)
Ja (leg pat 2)
Koon (clap 1)
Ja (clap 2)
2. A talking hand motion is passed around the circle to the words “bunny bunny.” (The talking hand motion is like making your hand into a puppet, and it opens and closes in whatever direction the motion is going). Whoever starts the motion first does the talking hand toward him/herself with the words “bunny bunny” and then points the hands at someone else and repeats it again with “bunny bunny.” The person who receives the hands then takes the bunny and continues on.
Koon (leg pat 1) bunny (points at self)
Ja (leg pat 2) bunny (points at self)
Koon (clap 1) bunny (points at other)
Ja (clap 2) bunny (points at other)
3. The two neighbors of the person who has the bunny rock side to side with hands out (in jazz hand position) saying “tokie tokie” at the same tempo as “bunny bunny.” Altogether, it looks like this:
Koon (leg pat 1) bunny (points at self) tokie (rocks with hands)
Ja (leg pat 2) bunny (points at self) tokie (rocks with hands)
Koon (clap 1) bunny (points at other) tokie (rocks with hands)
Ja (clap 2) bunny (points at other) tokie (rocks with hands)
As the group gets better, the koonja can speed up for more challenge.
Describe: What did we just do? How did it feel to play?
Analyze: What did we have to pay attention to in order to play successfully? What did you learn? What strategies are we using to be successful?
Relate: (should be in relationship to whatever concept you are learning about) example: How did we use cooperation in this activity?
How can we work together to make this more successful?