Mime Rhyme


Gather players in a comfortable group. Ask a volunteer to think of a word and to keep that word a secret. Then ask the volunteer to tell the group a word that RHYMES with his or her word. The rest of the group tries to figure out the chosen word by pantomiming their guesses. For instance, if the chosen secret word is “sheep,” the volunteer might say the word rhymes with “deep.” A player guessing the word might close his eyes and rest his head on his hands. If the volunteer who selected the word says, “No, it’s not sleep,” other players are given a chance to test their guesses by pantomiming things like, creep, leap, etc. Continue until the word is revealed.


Describe: What did this activity ask you to do?

Analyze: What did you have to do to make sure your guess was clear?

Relate: Where else do those skills come in handy?

Possible Side-Coaching

“Think of as many rhyming words as you can and give them a try!” “Use your whole body to show what your guess is!”

Source Citations

Fluegelman, Andrew. More new games!—and playful ideas from the New Games Foundation. New York: Dolphin Books, 1981. Print.