Gather a group of students in a circle. The teacher announces that they have an imaginary ball and pantomimes its size and weight. Then the teacher calls out a student’s name and tosses the ball to them. That student mimes catching the imaginary ball, calls out another student’s name and tosses the ball to them, etc. If a student doesn’t know the name of the student they are tossing to, they should roll the ball to that student who will announce their name and roll the ball back; play continues as before.
Describe: What does this game involve?
Analyze: What does it take to imagine you have an object that isn’t really there?
Relate: How does this help us get to know one another?
“Make sure everyone gets a turn.”
“Really imagine the ball – how big is? How heavy?
Have each player change the size & shape of the ball when they toss it.