Shapes and Levels




Start in a seated circle on the floor. Invite students to look around the circle and see the different shapes that people’s bodies are making as we sit in the circle. What other shapes can you make with your body while sitting on the floor? Three, two, one, freeze. Tell students briefly what you observe about the body shapes they have made, and then have them relax. Do this again, making a new shape. We have been making shapes on the low level. Now I’d like everyone to stand up slowly and bend your knees. Now we are standing in the middle level. What shape can you make with your body while on the middle level? Three, two, one, freeze. Now everyone stand up straight and make your body as tall as you can be. Now we are on the high level. What shape can you make with your body on the high level? Three, two, one, freeze. Repeat the middle level and low level shapes, ending in a sitting circle.


Describe: What kind of shapes did you make?

Analyze: Why did we make shapes on different levels?

Relate: How could we use our body shapes and levels to tell a story?

Possible Side-Coaching

"I like the way ______ is holding their body very still."

"I see lots of different shapes on this level."

Source Citations

Metro Theater Company, St Louis, MO