Age Group
This activity is named for Smaug, the dragon with a horde of gold and silver from The Hobbit by Tolkien. One player is chosen as Smaug who stands guard over the jewels. (A handkerchief or other object placed on the ground can represent the “jewels.”) Other players form a circle around Smaug and try to steal the treasure without getting tagged. Smaug can range as far from the jewels as s/he dares. If a player is touched by Smaug, they freeze in place until the end of the game.
- What tactics seemed to work?
- What made these tactics seem effective?
- Who else might need these kinds of skills?
Possible Side-Coaching
“Think about how you might fool Smaug.”
“How might you work together to get the jewels?”
Possible Variations/Applications
See Keeper of the Keys for a similar activity.