Sneeze, Freeze, Please




Define the playing space in your classroom by pointing out the perimeter. The space we are going to use today is this open space between the desks. We are not going to use the space beyond the desks or under them. Thumbs up if you understand. Now everyone find your own space in the room where you aren't touching anyone or anything. When I say "go," you are going to walk through the space, keeping your bodies to yourself. Go. When I say "freeze" you are going to freeze your whole body right where you are. Let's practice: freeze. Practice freeze and go cues a few more times. Then freeze the group and ask them for a word that rhymes with freeze. Create a movement/gesture based on the word that is suggested. Continue moving through the space, using freeze, go, and the new rhyming word as cues. Gradually layer in more cues that rhyme with freeze and create gestures for each one. 

  • What words did we find that rhyme with freeze?
  • What was your favorite word?
  • What other words can you think of that rhyme with freeze?