

Have everyone stand in a circle. Begin by placing palms together above head, making eye contact with a student and shouting “Wah!” while gesturing joined hands toward participant. This student “receives” this Wah by bringing joined palms above head and also shouting “Wah!” Students on either side of  the student receiving the "Wah" gesture in front of this student with joined palms and shout “Wah” in unison. The receiving student hen passes “Wah!” to another person in the circle. This student receives the "Wah" in the same way and the students on either side gesture in front of this person shouting "Wah!"  Game continues, with “Wahs” being passed around the circle. The goal is to keep the energy moving among the group.


Describe: What did you notice about this activity?

Analyze: What skills were involved in making us successful at this activity? What was challenging about this activity?  Surprising?

Relate: Where else might we used these skills?

Possible Side-Coaching

“Remember to make eye contact.”

“Let’s all practice sending a ‘Wah’ across the circle.”

“Let’s all practice receiving a ‘Wah.’”

Possible Variations/Applications

Other sounds can be subbed in for “Wah.”