When I Say One


Have everyone stand in a circle with the teacher in the middle. Introduce the call and response as follows:

Call: When I say “one” you

Response: [clap]

Call: When I say “two” you

Response: [snap with both hands]

Call: When I say “three” you

Response: [stomp foot]

Call: When I say “four” you

Response: [jump turn, 180 degrees]

Call: When I say “I am” you say

Response: am Artist!

Practice the calls for a bit, then mix in a response having those around the circle answer with one, two, etc.

  • What skills did we need to use in order to be successful at this game?
  • How did we feel before the activity? How do we feel after?
Possible Side-Coaching

"Focus on my voice, try not to anticipate."

"Stay focused and relaxed."

"Work to respond in unison with the others in the room."

Possible Variations/Applications

Alter the call and response. Multiplication tables (5s) - when I say three you say fifteen; Presidents and Vice Presidents; State and state capitols; any other pairings.

Source Citations