Write Your Name with Your Hands and Feet
Age Group
Everyone sits in a circle. Ask players to write their name in the air with various body parts: arm, leg, head, elbow, etc. Everyone writes simultaneously to reduce self-consciousness.
- What parts of your body did you use?
- Which parts moved most/least easily?
- Why is it so difficult to make a circle and a cross together?
Possible Side-Coaching
“Can you write your name big? Small?”
“In print or in cursive? Backwards? Upside-down?”
Possible Variations/Applications
The Circle and the Cross (Boal)
With their right hands, players describe a circle in the air. Stop. With their left hands, players describe a cross or plus sign. Now warn players that you will give them a task that most people find impossible: do both at once! Very few will succeed, but its fun to try.
Source Citations
Augusto Boal